Many people feel they cannot make money on the Internet today because they lack the proper marketing experience. As they look at existing Internet businesses they feel like the Internet is saturated and does not offer them the same opportunities it might have even a couple years ago.

This simply is not true because the Internet has only been around for a little over 10 years as a business tool. And when you look at the marketing experience some business people have, you can quickly see that everyone has the same opportunity today regardless of their current level of experience.

One of the easiest ways to get marketing experience is to subscribe to the RSS feeds of experienced Internet marketers. This is free to do and gives you the opportunity to be kept up to date on what more experienced marketers are doing.

You can choose to do this through your own RSS feed reader, or you can receive updates by email. This is a very passive way to learn and to become more experienced yourself.

Plus it gives you the incentive to learn a little bit more about your competitors before you subscribe to their feeds.

One other thing is to constantly be working on improving your Internet business. By implementing the things you learn you will find your own experience increases and you’ll develop a following of your own.

This is a quick and easy way for you to get marketing experience and begin making money online. Do not feel overwhelmed because of where you are currently are at, or what you see as insurmountable competition. If you have a home based business you want to promote on the Internet you need fresh leads on a consistent basis. One of the best ways to do that today is to use social media to get quality leads. Here are a couple of ways you can do that.

1. You should start your own blog that teaches people how to make money on the Internet. You can give away something for free on your blog that would encourage a visitor to give you their name and email address.

This is known as building an opt in list and is a fantastic way to use social media to create leads for future business. The main reason for this is once you have their name and email address you can leverage that to develop relationships and get to know your prospects as people.

This is much better than purchasing leads because the leads come from your blog. You get a chance to brand yourself as an expert and as a friend at the same time.

2. Social networking is another way to use social media to leverage leads. Two of the most popular social networks today are Facebook and Twitter.

With Facebook you can get to know other business professionals who are open to opportunities such as the one you offer. Twitter is an example of micro blogging and is quickly becoming a favorite way for people to develop friends and update their followers on what is happening in their lives and in their business.

This is two ideas on how to use social media to leverage leads to build your home based business.

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Dan is a internet marketer and can help others with online and offline advertising. If you have little or no experience with the internet Dan has a program that does not require a computer! Check here for details.<

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